Video Creation Beginner Tips – 4 Ways To Creating A Professional Looking Video

Maintaining a strong social media presence can help you to expand your customer base and it has a direct effect on your sales and profit margin. One of the best ways to ensure that you have this presence is by creating and uploading a video on a social media site and on your blog. It is important to choose the site where your target market frequent. The art of online video production requires some skill to create a good quality video. If you are a beginner, a few basic tips can help you to create a professional looking video.

  • The right equipment

Shooting the video using the right equipment goes a long way in enhancing the quality of the video. Before buying or hiring equipment, you need to decide the type of video you want to create. If you are creating a home video for your personal blog, a simple Flip camera will suffice. If, on the other hand, you want to enhance the viewing experience for your audience, a more professional camera, and a tripod is necessary.

  • Do not ignore the audio

Make sure that you pay attention to the quality of the audio. It is very important to choose the location of the shoot carefully to avoid distractions. Something as simple as the wind blowing or background noise can ruin a great video. Use a headphone jack to determine what the audience will hear and carry out proper sound checks.

  • Lighting is very important

You need to make sure that you consider the lighting when shooting the video. Do not have a window in the background or have the person in the video standing directly in front of the window. To avoid shadows or poor looking shots, make sure that the lighting is not too bright or too dark. If you are unsure about the best lighting, talk to a professional photographer.

  • Proper editing

When editing your video, remember that your audience does not want to spend a lot of time watching the clip. Edit for an audience with a short attention span by keeping the video short and yet interesting and full of relevant content. The video should be able to connect with the audience immediately to keep them from moving to something else.

Once you have created your video, upload it through different social networks. Wide distribution will help to ensure that you reach a large audience. Send the link to the video to your social media followers and anyone else you think would be interested.

How Video Recording Software Can Work For Your Business

If you’re in a business where you’re providing some sort of education, have you thought about the power of video? If you want to begin recording audio or video to your computer, there are a wide variety of software available for this process. Most software records in AVI(which stands for Audio Video Interleave) or SWF(Shockwave Flash) file format.

These are two popular file formats used for video and audio on both computers and the internet. There are more out there, but you should be able to do anything you want with these file types. In order to properly play these files, you will need to have a player on your PC that will be able to load the respective file type.

College professors will record audio and video from their lectures so that they can put it on college websites for students to use at their convenience. Popular lecturers use this method to promote what they are teaching to the public. Several online video sites are becoming popular and they all use this recording process.

In order to record video to your computer, you will need to have at least a regular video camera attached to your computer. Or if you want to capture whats on your screen, you’ll need softwarethat can screen capture. Both serve their purposes and you can use a combination of the two as well.

If you want to record audio, you will want to either use a headset or a high quality, usually expensive microphone. Capturing software also has the ability to record the sounds and music that are playing on your computer screen.

The software to capture the video will also ask for the source you’re using for audio recording and playback. Just select the default audio device on your computer and you should be okay. If you’re not getting any sounds, go back to the settings and choose a different audio device.

You’re going to want to record your audio and save it into mp3 format. If you choose to record using an MP3 recorder, make sure that no other sound files are running or those sounds will be picked up during the recording process as the MP3 recorder records everything that’s coming from your speakers.

There are also software that can be downloaded that wlll allow a person to record streaming audio and video. A lot of television shows people watch on TV have streaming audio and video on the internet. You can use software to download the streams and then watch what you recorded at a later time.

Audio and video capturing is becoming more and more popular everyday. It is a very good way to share your knowledge online to a massive audience as well as show off your creativity to the rest of the world (which can result in more opportunities and plenty of open doors).

5 Tips to Ensure Quality Video Production

The quality of your videos will determine just how much sales your business will make because videos are proven to drive more sales than other marketing strategies.

When looking to do a content mix for inbound marketing, video content can prove to be a valuable asset. By the end of 2013, statistics from studies show that about 90% of traffic on the internet is expected to be video. The biggest challenge though is to get people to sit through the length of your videos given the fact that about 33% of viewers exit from watching videos after the first 30 seconds. 44% of people will leave the video after 60 seconds while 60% of viewers of videos on the internet leave after 2 minutes. So, what can one do in order to ensure people stick to the end of videos?

1. Plan Well in the Pre-Production Phase

The quality of your video is a clear indication of just how much you were or were not prepared to produce it. Prepare well to focus all your efforts to directing your participating actors and not spending all your efforts on last-minute logistics. Figure out exactly what you want in the video production so that you end up being original ideas or concepts. You will have ample time to be creative enough and not take the easy way out by copying someone’s original idea.

2. Pick Actors Carefully

For you to ensure quality video production, you need to ensure that the contribution of the actors is superb. Here, you will need to be very selective when choosing the actors and actresses for the project. Ensure that the lines you are delivering in the videos are not forced. So, take time to pick actors and actresses who can deliver dialogue naturally.

3. Consider the Set

Quality video production is not about fooling the audience by ‘set dressing’ venues. Your office cannot double up for another place and that is just the way it is. Consumers of videos pay attention to each and every detail of the video. If the setting in your video is not your office, make the effort of going to the real location from where you can shoot the video. This goes a long way in ensuring that your videos are of high quality.

4. Work on Sound Quality

Your aim is to make your video footage as close to perfect as it can be. Since video editing takes a lot of time, you need to try as much as possible to ensure that everything comes out naturally great. Use top quality microphones when shooting interviews and dialogues for your video. This will save you a lot of time working on the video to tweak the quality of sound.

5. Optimize the Video Output

While the focus of video production would be to ensure that it is tailored to the target audience, it is important that you optimize a few elements of the video so that it comes out clear and of high quality. For instance, optimize video text by keeping the style of the titles and other forms of text simple and sharp. You should also cover up cuts using b-roll footage that will complement the narration in the video.

Quality video production can take a lot of time, but you can outsource top quality video production at where experts who have experience in producing video for many different purposes will help you with the process and make it easy for you.

Author’s Bio

Bruce is an expertise in Web Developer, Web Design, and Web Programming. In his free time he likes to hang out with his friends.


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