Every prudent business executive is aware that generating high quality MLM lists is crucial to the success of a company. The best MLM leads are those that turn to customer sale or join your company in creating their own network marketing business. You can choose to generate leads for yourself but that would take time before materializing and will steal time from your business obligations.
The best way to obtain these leads is to purchase them from a credible company. Many such companies focus primarily on acquiring and providing these leads via the Internet on a computer. Nevertheless, genius software developers have come up with incredible mobile apps that help people generate and filter leads. These apps include:
1. MLM Survey App – It is one of the new mobile tools in the market to help you find prospective leads using your phone. Using this app, you can conduct a simple survey on one busy street corner to find viable leads. The app counts how many individuals you tried to survey, how many agreed to it and how many turned to viable leads.
2. MLM List Creator – Every network market should seek to have this amazing new app. It helps you to come up with a contact listing from the warm market. It also enables you to rank the contacts you have obtained and come up with top 30 most viable leads. It reminds you to use it when you neglect it and praises you when you take it seriously. It suggests how to contact your top prospects.
3. Slotmytime – This app is still under development but is soon to hit the market. It will allow you to put your schedule on autopilot. It also allows you to specify your working hours and allow your team to request your time as needed.
4. Sales Persons Dream – This is the ultimate autprospecting tool from Apple. It has a simple interface that allows you to organize all your prospects outside your phonebook. You can by the application alone without the iPhone. The app helps you to avoid filling your Phonebook with contacts of prospects that may never become members or friends.
5. Phone Silencer – Some times networkers have trouble sleeping because the phone is constantly ringing even at night. Some of these calls may be from important prospects while some may be from your friends trying to disturb you. The Phone Silencer app allows you to add the numbers you need to get through while your phone is on silent mode.