In order to be successful designing web sites or becoming a web developer it is essential that you have a plan, or map if you prefer, on which you can chart your course as you acquire the necessary skills to make your choice of career a success. Here in this article, you will find the 4 skills that are considered most important among successful web designers and once you have mastered them you can consider that you will be even more interesting to those seeking a quality professional to design their web sites.
- 1. HTML competence
This is probably the most important fundamental computer language that you will need to master regardless of whether your choice is to be a designer or developer of web sites. While you may decide to use text editors for your web designs by having knowledge of HTML you will have gained a core set of knowledge about the infrastructure of the Web, how it works and how the designs that you create will fit well within it.
- 2. Cascading Style Sheets CSS
Your ability to work with HTML will get you to a certain level of competence in designing your web sites but to reach the next level you need to master competency with CSS. CSS allows you to create high impact web content and will define the look and feel of the pages that you create. In order to compete successfully you should consider CSS capability as a mandatory skill if your ambition is web design but CSS knowledge is less important if you are focusing only on web development.
- 3. Strong design sense
To have a strong design sense is extremely important to make your web designs popular with visitors. This means that you need more than just an ability to know which colors work together and which don’t. Basic design principal such has web pages having a symmetrical look, being uncluttered and making the important tabs or buttons easily accessible to site visitors is extremely important. Take time to visit a number of web sites and list the ones that you like, then discuss those you prefer with friends and colleagues and listen to their observations in order to enhance your skill.
- 4. Flash animation
Flash skills will be important to you as a web designer, flash allows you to develop animations and use vector graphics on your web sites. This will allow you to keep your visitors interested in your site and stay on it longer. Consider mastering flash as key skill that you can use to enhance the graphic designer knowledge you have already acquired.